Sara Garofalo
PhD student in Cognitive Neuroscience, JOINT International Cognitive Neuroscience PhD Program
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I’m a post-doctoral researcher with two scientific souls: cognitive neuroscience and applied statistics.

My neuroscientific work mainly concerns adaptive and maladaptive implications of learning and memory processes. I combine neuroimaging techniques, psychophysiological measures, and behavioral evidence to tackle how adaptive behaviors can evolve in maladaptive conducts (like addiction or OCD).

I’ve always been keen to a critical use of the statistical approaches used in neuroscience, so I started focusing my work also on the comparison between NHST and Bayesian inference and the issues of Open Science and replication crisis.

I truly believe in the importance of public awareness of science, and try to contribute to outreach and educational activities on science anytime I can.

My updated profile can be found on my Personal website, Researchgate or Academia.


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